Dr. Sudha Prasad
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- Dr. Sudha Prasad

Dr. Sudha Prasad
Senior CONSULTANT & ivf Specialist
Education and Training
- MD (AIIMS) Delhi
- Trained for Tubal reconstructive surgery and IVF & Assisted reproduction at Baylor University, Houston, Texas, USA in 1993.
- Former HOD & Dir Prof and IVF Coordinator IVF & Reproductive Biology Centre, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi 110002.
- Teaching experience of more than 38 years.
Special Achievements
- Started low cost IVF at Maulana Azad Medical College, Govt. of NCT of Delhi in 2006.
- Received State award by Govt. of NCT of Delhi for providing meritorious healthcare in 2003.
- Awarded Radha Krishnan best Teacher’s Award in 2014.
- Visiting Professor at Yerevan University, Armenia
- Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Delhi University 2015 -16
- Former associate Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
- Special invitee for Central Supervisory Board meeting for PC-PNDT, MoHFW, GOI.
- Member of Interim committee on Health care for the management of WUS Health Centres.
- UGC assistance for the major research project “Ultrasound versus tactile cannulation in the treatment of proximal tubal obstruction”
- UGC funded major Project entitled “Correlation of Sub-Clinical Genital Tuberculosis among the women with the In Vitro-Fertilization & Pregnancy Outcome”
- ICMR funded project entitled “To Study the Psychological Correlates of Infertility and the Impact of Counseling with Yoga – Based Stress Management on the Clinical Pregnancy Rates in Women Undergoing Assisted Reproduction”
- H&FW, GOI funded project entitled “Evaluation of Gene Xpert as compared to conventional methods in diagnosis of genital TB among infertile women”
- Vice President FOGSI 2019
- President, AOGD 2016-17
- Author of many national, international publications and Chapters in various books.
- Inspector for MCI, University grants Commission and National Board of Examinations.